Latest development of the farm
We've have been off line for the past year while working out how to take the farm forward, we considered loads of options including concentrating exclusively on retail, just growing salad or using more labour and expanding what we already grow.
The final decision is to keep the sheep but reduce the number of breeding ewes, reduce the bees to around 25 colonies, maintain the laying hens at around 100 birds and to increase the range of vegetables grown including more direct sown crops. to this end we also decided to convert our cultivation from tractor to horse traction.
This obviously cannot be done overnight so the plan was to keep the tractor for another 12 months while we train our working horse. But first buy your horse.
We spent many months looking at breeds and individuals with advice from multifarious sources. Sussesx, Comtois, Ardennes, Dales were researched and viewed until finally deciding on a DalesX 4 year old, untrained but very biddable.
Here she is, named Boo on her passport big chunky girl as you can see, this is more significant than we thought.
We get her home all is well we start researching suitable equipment and training methods.
Then one morning this happens
OK we did have an idea before little Jethro was born but it was am unexpected bonus, although this means there will be a delay of at least 4 months while our Mare is on maternity leave. We will update on Jethros progress.
Then one morning this happens
OK we did have an idea before little Jethro was born but it was am unexpected bonus, although this means there will be a delay of at least 4 months while our Mare is on maternity leave. We will update on Jethros progress.